The Gyms at Ewha

University students are really busy these days, because they not only do a lot of assignments and team presentations but also take various exams such as TOEIC, TOFLE for getting better jobs. So obviously they have little time to exercise. It is a good plan for students spending much time at university to work out in a gym located in their own university. In Ewha, students can use 3 kinds of gyms: the ECC fitness center, the Ewha swimming center, and the physical training center.

    The ECC fitness center is located on the fourth basement floor in Ewha Campus Complex. Lots of students usually run on treadmills and lift weights at this gym. Moreover, the ECC fitness center provide many group exercise programs such as bosu exercise, yoga-lates, total body exercise, and cross training. So students who want to work out harder can sign up for both fitness and GX(group exercise programs). If students sign up for 2 programs like this, they get a 20 percent discount. And if they sign up for 3 programs, they get a 30 percent discount. Lastly ECC fitness center offers personal training programs for people who want a systematic exercise routine.

    The Ewha swimming center is located on the third basement floor in Human Ecology Building. The programs in this center are divided up into beginning and advanced levels according to student abilities. Also, there are other programs: morning class, children class, and personal training classes. Because there are a variety of class, students can sign up according to their subject timetables. But Ewha swimming center is closed for the winter vacation.

    The physical training center is located on the first basement floor in the Student Union building and offers the most programs among the gyms in Ewha. There are very diverse programs: fitness yoga, healing yoga, jazz dance, broadcast dance, pilates, ballet, and squash. Students not only do group exercise such as yoga, dance, and ballet, but also personal exercise such as squash. Also students can get a 20 or 30 percent discount by signing up for 2 or 3 programs, just like the ECC fitness center. 

    If you want to enjoy various exercises at lower prices within easy distance, the 3 gyms are the best places. For more information about the gyms in Ewha, enter this site: